Digital Presses

Having a digital press gives your business the competitive advantage to generate a high volume of materials at a fraction of the cost, without using a print shop. Why hire a print shop to produce your high volume print jobs? You can have a digital press from GBM in house!
Some digital presses benefits include:
High Speed: Digital presses can operate at speeds of over 100 pages per minute. There is no replacement for producing a quick turnaround on a high volume project.
Low Operating Cost: Digital presses provide high volume, low cost reproduction, and operate at a fraction of the cost of conventional copy machines.
Flexibility: Digital presses are great for any number of uses and businesses, providing solutions for schools, marketing departments, and even print shops.
GBM’s color and black and white digital presses were designed for the production market place with image quality, productivity and media handling in mind.
Quantum Testimonial
Black and White Digital Presses
We offer extraordinary monochrome production presses that deliver uncompromising image quality, text quality, media versatility and productivity to in-plant production, and quick print environments.

Color Digital Presses
Our color digital presses offer one of the best values in the production, quick print, and in-plant environments requiring high quality, productivity, and versatility.