Network Security

The techniques used by hackers and cybercriminals are constantly evolving. If your organization is not current with its cyber defense, it may not be able to fend off today’s threats. Implementing security protocols to protect your network, computer hardware, and business information is more important than ever. Network monitoring is an efficient way of staying on top of your security measures to ensure that potential issues are identified and addressed before they can cause downtime. GBM provides businesses with a wide range of network monitoring and security solutions designed to prevent your data from being compromised or falling into the wrong hands.
We provide the products and services to protect your systems from possible threats in real-time. It’s nice to have someone reliable for break/fix situations, but the best IT security is cyberthreat prevention. Whether you are working from home or at the office, keeping your data safe is vital to the health of your organization. We also provide backup solutions and cloud collaboration tools for speedy data recovery. Having a business continuity plan in place helps maintain resiliency and respond quickly to interruptions. Strong business continuity saves money, time and company reputation.